Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February - Time to Focus on Finances!

Are you ready? It's February already! That means it's time for high school seniors to really start thinking about what's up with their finances for next year. Time to ask yourself, and your parents, some very important questions.
What is it really going to cost me to go away to school next year? Where is the money going to come from for tuition expenses? Have I applied for every scholarship I could possibly qualify for - and if not, what are the deadlines for some more? Where is my book money and living money coming from? Have I got a plan in place to save the money I need from my current job - or the job I plan to get in the summer? How much will I need to save each pay to set up my Emergency Fund for when I'm away?
It's all about being connected to your finances and knowing, or finding out, the answers to these questions, and more. It may seem daunting trying to figure out all the possible money situations you might run into. But it would be even more challenging if you went away to college only to find out halfway through the year that you really can't afford to be there - or that you didn't plan properly and there's too much month left at the end of the money.
Answer the tough questions now and, I promise you, your first year away at college will be that much more stress-free and enjoyable.

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